Press Releases


Government puts Hydrogen Networks on Fast Track

Germany’s federal government today adopted a revision of the Energy Economy Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, EnWG). The revision allows for cost-efficient and, especially, for fast development of hydrogen networks. The government thereby…

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Align Gas Network Development with Climate Targets

In a recent study the Initiative Erdgasspeicher (INES) provides recommendations on how to improve so-called market-based instruments in the gas market. These instruments can help aligning conventional gas network development…

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Biomethan-Potenziale dauerhaft und zukunftsgerichtet nutzen

Biogas ist ein wichtiger Baustein, um den Gasmarkt 2050 über alle Anwendungen und Sektoren hinweg klimaneutral zu gestalten. In einem gemeinsamen Appell fordern zwölf Verbände der Gaswirtschaft daher eine Verbesserung…

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INES Recommends Grid-Friendly Hydrogen Auctions

A combined tendering model can help achieving Germany’s goals for electrolysis capacities as defined in the National Hydrogen Strategy. This is the result of a study undertaken by the BBH…

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Ministry Leads Way for Hydrogen Networks

With a key point paper presented today, the German Ministry of Economics makes room for market-oriented investments and takes the hydrogen market launch up to speed. The ministry paper also…

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German Federal Council: Gas Storage Key Part of Hydrogen Infrastructure

Today, the German Federal Council (Bundesrat) passes a resolution stating that gas storage is an important part of a future hydrogen infrastructure and urging the Federal Government to consider gas…

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